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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Silber Triennale 2013

Peter Bauhuis @ Silver Triennial International

Zur Ausstellungseröffnung und Preisverleihung am Sonntag, dem 14. April 2013 um 11.30 Uhr im Deutschen Goldschmiedehaus laden wir Sie herzlich ein.

Robbe & Berking Hauptpreis: Peter Bauhuis

Ausstellung: 14.4.2013 – 9.6.2014

Peter Bauhuis
Simultanea 2013, ø12 x 25 cm, 
Simultanously cast vessel
Various silver 800 alloys

 "After melting the wax out of the mold, alloys that oxidize to various colors are cast simultaneously into the form. There, mixing only partially, they combine into a vessel:  the dynamics of the process is frozen at the moment of solidification. The work Simultanea consists of two different 800/000 silver alloys cast simultaneously. The alloy of silver, zinc, and copper oxidizes in a yellowish tone, while the second alloy is the one that is customary in the world of silversmithing, 800/000 silver with share of 20 % copper which oxidizes black. During the cooling process, which lasts several hours, the copper is enriched on the surface with a red oxidation." 

a link to the official publication: